


💃🏼💃🏼YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE💃🏼💃🏼To all the women (and the women behind the brands) who helped me here, almost a year into VCHStyle, today of all days, YOU ARE ALL GEMS. And to my mother who isn’t on Instagram but who stalks me and tells me to brush my hair, this picture is for you ❤️❤️ I should also add there are MANY men who have helped me HUGELY but until we no longer need to have a reason to celebrate International Women’s Day, this post is for the girls. #internationalwomensday #vchstyle #strongertogether #dontrollyoureyes #girls 📷 @antoniapeniaphotography Ginnie Chadwyck-HealeyCashmere dress. 😱 You imagine over-heating, clingy, ageing, generally too close for comfort. Not so tonight. I got to wear this number, current collection @chintiandparker - exceptional design, a flattering drop waist, movement, good ‘swish’ of the below the knee skirt. Ideal with trainers, knee high boots or biker boots. In short, they did their research and they got it right 💯 #chintiandparker #barclays #cashmere #design #movement #navy #dresses #popupshop #vchstyle Ginnie Chadwyck-Healey

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'ArticleDate': '2019-04-09',
'Title': '凱特王妃即將大改造?找來老朋友擔綱造型師 - Styletc 樂時尚',
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'Tag': '凱特王妃,威廉王子,皇室,造型,時尚,改造,維吉妮亞查德希利,Virginia Chadwyck-Healey',
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根據外媒報導,凱特王妃聘請了一位專業的時尚編輯來替她大改造,凱特的新造型師正是她和威廉王子的老朋友維吉妮亞查德希利(Virginia Chadwyck-Healey),維吉妮亞與凱特王妃和威廉王子是聖安德魯斯的大學同學,三人皆在同個交友圈,而且感情非常好,相處得很融洽,維吉妮亞也有參加凱特與威廉的皇家婚禮。

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維吉妮亞曾在英國版的《Vogue》擔任編輯,現在則是時尚顧問兼自由撰稿人。其實在與維吉妮亞合作之前,凱特王妃的造型師是那塔莎艾爾奇(Natasha Archer),不過由於那塔莎目前正在休產假,所以凱特才會找老朋友幫忙。





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